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Results from the Horizon Scanning activities

The Horizon Scanning was partly automated and partly a joint effort of the FOSTER Team with our CDIs starting in 2023 and finishing in February 2024. The findings are not representative but selected by the CDIs. We want to share this knowledge with you, but please be aware that they are preliminary findings of signals and developments that may be changed during the course of the project. The findings are very selective and will be used in the next phase of FOSTER (sense-making) to work with our CDIs and to propose a topic for a potential “new CDI».

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*Biodiversity loss


*Smart Irrigation

for more information

click here


*Nutrient recovery

*Food hygiene

*Cultured/ In-Vitro Meat

for more information

click here  


*E-commerce and
online food retailing

*Fair distribution of food

*True pricing for food

for more information

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*Sustainable food for all

*Plant-based and
alternative protein diets

*Lab-grown flavours


for more information

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Waste and Disposing


*Food donation and
redistribution programs

*Digitalisation against
food waste

*Prices versus Waste


for more information

click here



*Intelligent food packaging
shelf-life extension

*Reduction of plastic

*Biobased plastic packaging


for more information

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Supporting Services

Supporting Services

*Food safety and
traceability systems

*Quality assurance and
certification programs

*Training and education
in the food industry


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Institutions and Environment

Institutions and Environment

*Food Policy Councils
in the world

*Agroecology as new

*New Agribusinesses


for more information

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Demographic Change

Demographic Change


*Ageing Society in Europe
differing in the
Member States

*Ageing population and
specialized dietary needs

*Migration and
multicultural food trends


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Dietary Patterns

Dietary Patterns

*Divided Societies

*Nutrition for better health
and curing

*Nutrition labeling
and transparency


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Science and Technology

Science and Technology

*Genetic Engineering
(CRISPR & Co, gene editing)

*Sensory technology
and flavour profiling

*Robotics and automation
in food
and processing


for more information

click here



*Global food trade
and emerging markets

*Local and regional food

*Plant-based and
alternative protein markets


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click here

Climate Change and Environment

Climate Change and Environment

*Climate-resilient crops
and agriculture practices

*Climate-smart agriculture and
sustainable resource use

*4 degrees increase of
temperature until 2100


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Politics and Geopolitics

Politics and Geopolitics

*New world order

*War on resources

*Trade agreements and
international food governance


for more information

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Resources and Energy

Resources and Energy


*Water scarcity and
efficient water management

*Competition for naturals

*No land and competition
for land


for more information

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*New Food logistics and
transportation of food products
on a small scale

*Food delivery platforms
and gig economy

*Mobile food solutions
and food trucks


for more information

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Societal and Cultural Patterns

Societal and Cultural Patterns

*Divided Societies


*Sustainable lifestyle


for more information

click here

Food & nutrition security

Food &
nutrition security

will be filled during
learning journey

Environmental sustainability


will be filled during
learning journey

Economic & social well-being


Economic &
social well-being

will be filled during
learning journey