Providing future scenarios and a roadmap for a wide agri-food blockchain implementation

The project’s main goal is to learn from existing experiences, understanding why communities (users) accept or reject blockchain-based projects, the mistakes made by others so as not to repeat them, the best and most innovative practices in blockchain development in different sectors to shape different possible futures for blockchain applications in the agrifood domain.
TRUSTyFOOD project “Stakeholders-driven pathways for blockchain implementation in the agri-food sector” is a CSA funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No 101060534.
Blockchain (BCT) is an emerging technology, which has received much attention in recent years, with also very conflicting opinions. The TRUSTyFOOD project intends to shed light on the current partial and fragmented picture of BCT applications in the agri-food domain, by clarifying the benefits and opportunities which BCT can concretely to stakeholders throughout the food chain offer and by providing the most suitable tool to each targeted stakeholder for prompt, easy and effective implementation in their own context.
The Pathways towards the achievement of such goal foresee:
• Understanding (through systematic monitoring and reviews of national, European and international Research&Innovation experiences and best practices), • Assessing collected data through a bottom up approach and dialogue with Stakeholders for CO-CREATION of evidences and findings,
• Sharing the evidences and findings, providing also recommendations and guidelines to interested parties.