The European Research Area (ERA) aims to build a common scientific and technological area for the EU. It supports the alignment of research policies and programmes across Europe, and facilitates cross-border cooperation, allowing countries to work more effectively together. SCAR has made a significant contribution to establishing an ERA built on cooperation, coordination and information exchange and has provided the foundational basis for many of the ERA-NETs, and more recently the Partnerships, in the area of AGRICULTURE, FOOD, FISHERIES, FORESTRY and the wider BIOECONOMY.
SCARStrategic Working Groups (SWGs)Collaborative Working Groups(CWGs)Foresight Image Improved coordination of national and EUROPEAN BIOECONOMY RESEARCH and INNOVATION programmes in the European Research Area (ERA) through strengthened SCAR Working Groups.
RefreSCAR Consortium Name: RefreSCAR - Improved coordination of national and European bioeconomy research and innovation programmes in the ERA through strengthened SCAR Working Groups.