Data4Food2030 aims to improve the data economy for food systems by expanding its definition, mapping its development, performance and impact to create new insights and opportunities.
The project wants to specify the relevant concepts for ‘Data Economy’ in the agrifood sector and develop a tool to monitor the progress in developing data economy. The concepts and tools will be validated in 9 cases focused on data sharing in the value chain and network.
The objectives are to:
• Enlarge the knowledge base and insight into the data economy for food systems
• Develop a system that monitors and evaluates the development, performance and impact on relevant EU policies of the data economy for food systems
• Identify drivers and barriers and turn these into opportunities, recommendations and solutions
• Test solutions and evaluate recommendations in case studies and through stakeholder dialogues
• Provide future scenarios and a roadmap and sustain the monitoring system to support policy development and accelerate the desired future state of the Data Economy for Food Systems
• The project’s 9 case studies are developing data driven solutions for the food system. providing an opportunity to analyze the data economy in real life scenarios.