In a world experiencing continuous and unexpected changes, urban and peri-urban (UPU) food systems are replete with inequities and inequalities that make them fragile and vulnerable to shocks. An urgent transition towards more just and sustainable food systems is required.
Many FSIs (Food Sharing Initiatives) already contribute towards this transition yet their activities are often hampered by complex, fragmented food governance, uncertain finance, and insecure tenure.
Through the Food Sharing Compass CULTIVATE addresses the problem, helping cities navigate towards resilient and sustainable food sharing. The project identifies drivers and implementation gaps, and challenges existing theories and practices which currently constrain food sharing.
Distinctive implementation steps structure the project, each being indispensable to deliver on the objectives. The project engages the Cultivators (FSIs, policy makers, food supply actors, researchers, and citizens) throughout all the phases.
Urban and peri-urban (UPU) food systems are not only lacking in sustainability they are replete with inequalities and inequities which make them fragile and vulnerable to shocks. Addressing these issues is essential and has long been a driver of food sharing initiatives (FSIs) where food sharing is defined as collective acts around food across the food system, from seed sharing and surplus food redistribution to community composting.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought these matters into even sharper relief, reinforcing the urgent need to act on the food-related priorities outlined in the European Green Deal’s Action Plan, Food 2030, and the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy. Building on the foundational work of the ERC project SHARECITY, which was led by CULTIVATE’s Principal Investigator, CULTIVATE will use a multi-actor approach to create impact through a ground-breaking online social innovation support platform – The Food Sharing Compass (TRL8).
Built with and for five key groups: FSIs; policy makers; food supply actors; researchers; and citizens, the platform will help them navigate UPU food sharing landscapes and cultures, to understand, develop, replicate, scale out and strengthen food sharing, creating more sustainable, resilient and healthy UPU food systems supporting the EU’s inclusive climate mitigation and adaptation ambitions.
CULTIVATE has main innovation hubs in: Milan, Italy; Utretcht, Netherlands; Barcelona, Spain. And six replication hubs in: Lisbon, Brno, Freiburg, Dublin, Athens, Brighton.