
The Living Lab for Health at Irsicaixa aims to promote Food system transformation in vulnerable neighbourhoods. This ambitious challenge focus on the promotion of ‘healthy and sustainable diets’, facilitating innovation networks where participants work with a more collaborative, systemic and decentralized approach, on transforming food environments.
The Living Lab for Health involves a diversity of stakeholders from the neighbourhoods, including citizens– meet to collaborate and optimize R&D&I processes, interventions and the development of public policies. These stakeholders participate in the different phases of the solution-making process: diagnosis, visioning, co-design and implementation of a collective strategy and action plan within innovation teams.
On this regard, the Living Lab for Health is establishing a multistakeholder network, the Alison innovation network, where different stakeholders participate in the context of different (EU funded) projects:
CleverFood – is assisting European citizens, ranging from youth and children, to farmers and investors, to researchers and policymakers, to get more involved in transforming Europe’s food system, by establishing and operationalising FOOD 2030 Networks.
FoodCLIC – is creating resilient urban food environments, for the access to healthy, just, and sustainably produced food. FoodCLIC connects people and policies from different sectors for an integrated approach to transform urban food environments and food systems.
CONNECT – is offering an inclusive and sustainable educational model to increase students’ confidence in using science to solve problems in their environment, supporting secondary and upper primary schools.