FOSTER 2nd Project Meeting

FOSTER – Fostering food system transformation by integrating heterogeneous perspectives in knowledge and innovation within the European Research Area

FOSTER is an ambitious Horizon Europe-funded project that will build food system capabilities, knowledge and new governance mechanisms for scientists, citizens and policymakers.

It is just on the next week that FOSTER will have the 2nd Project Meeting! It will take place in Novi Sad, Serbia on 28th and 29th of March 2023!

The meeting will have the participation of all partners, that are working together to gain insight into how knowledge and innovation systems can be adapted, made more inclusive and better governed to transform Europe’s food system outcomes for improved health, enterprise and the environment.

The main outcomes will be on the table, namely FOSTER Platform, Summer Schools and newly developed methodologies. 

We will use this opportunity to discuss the work we have done so far, and focus on the interaction with our Citizen Driven Initiatives (CDIs) partners! 

The main topics for the brainstorming will be: 

  • legislations as opportunities/barriers in changing food systems on local and national level
  • successes/barriers in knowledge exchange among different stakeholders for changing food systems
  • public engagement as opportunity in changing food systems

We will focus on involving the CDIs knowledge and experience, on what/when/how can we improve the food system knowledge and innovation beyond the AKIS (Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Systems) to a FOKIS one (FOod system Knowledge and Innovation System).  

The event will be hosted by our partner BioSense, and we will discuss and plan the future work.

Check out our social media for continuous updates during the meeting!