Foster Food System
FOSTER vision is to build a foundation from which a new Knowledge and Innovation (K&I) governance structure for Europe’s food system can emerge
Foster Food System
FOSTER vision is to build a foundation from which a new Knowledge and Innovation (K&I) governance structure for Europe’s food system can emerge
Foster Food System
FOSTER plans to develop an engaged and empowered stakeholder community – including citizens – collaborating in the transformation of the current food systems from a multidisciplinary perspective
Foster Food System
Our vision at FOSTER is to transform the food system outcomes by building a foundation from which a new knowledge and innovation governance structure can emerge.
The FOSTER Project (Fostering food system transformation by integrating heterogeneous perspectives in knowledge and innovation within the ERA) overall objective is to gain insight into how knowledge and innovation systems can be adapted, made more inclusive and better governed to transform Europe’s food system outcomes for health, enterprise and the environment.
Global representation of the Food System, kindly shared by Foresight4Food EU project
Build a foundation from which a new Knowledge and Innovation (K&I) governance structure for Europe’s food system can emerge
In order to build a foundation, FOSTER has programmed its work based in six Specific Objectives (SO)
FOSTER Platform will combine existing food systems scientific knowledge with foresight expertise